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Explore North Iceland

These are some points of interest you can find in the area. 

Dettifoss Guesthouse is a great option to overnight when visiting the northern most areas of

Vatnajökull National Park. This region spans from Dettifoss to Ásbyrgi and is characterised by the river Jökulsá á Fjöllum, creating paths of catastrophic floods and signs of volcanic activity.

Further information you can get at the Visitor Centre located in Ásbyrgi.

Dettifoss waterfall
Ásbyrgi Canyon

The most powerful waterfall in Europe it's only 40km drive from Dettifoss Guesthouse.

Ásbyrgi Canyon

Only 9km distance from Dettifoss Guesthouse and you can experience a breath-taking horseshoe-shaped canyon formed by a sequence of cataclysmic glacial floods.

Hljóðaklettar and Rauðhólar

Along Jökulsá river it's possible to hike beautiful paths and explore areas where you can find unique geological phenomena such as basalt columns and honeycomb weathering.

 Hljóðaklettar and Rauðhólar

This is a charming town with services offer such as restaurants, supermarket, pharmacy, coffeeshops, swimming pool, several museums and certainly known as a perfect place for whale-watching tours.

The distance between Dettifoss Guesthouse and Húsavík is 66 km trough the 85 Road that comes with stunning mountains and ocean views. 


Is a small village on the eastern shore of Öxarfjörður bay, only 29 km East from Dettifoss Guesthouse. You can find gas station and a small supermarket there. It can also be special place for bird-watching and sometimes it's possible to watch seals sunbathing on the rocks close to the beach. 

Artic Henge
Artic Henge

This is the Iceland's largest Open-air piece of art inspired on the idea of having the possibility to use endless vistas, where nothing obstrucs the horizon and the midnight sun. The piece is under construction still, but you can visit it at Raufarhöfn, one of the most remote and northernmost villages in Iceland.  

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